Monday, April 13, 2015

Chemicals 3rd Grade Lesson 1 & 2

  • Introduction: There is a pale sitting in the middle of each group. There is a mystery chemical substance in the plastic bag in the pale.  breath in and out chemicals. We eat chemicals in our food. All the world has chemicals. We are going to solve the mystery of what each chemical is. We are going to think and act to find out what the chemicals are. 

  • Focus Question: What do you think chemicals are? What do you wonder about chemicals? (Write these questions on the board and ask the students to come up answer these to questions.)

  • Prediction: Take out the bag from the pale in your group and use your senses to determine what is in the bag. Tell the students that they are to use their three senses (seeing, feeling, and smelling) to determine what the mystery chemical is in the bag. After the students use there senses to figure out what is in the bag ask the students to predict what will happen if they added water to the chemical in the bag. Ask the students to write down there predictions. Ask for there predictions as a group before asking the students to add the water into the bag. 

  • Data: (The students will fill out this data chart using their senses before and after adding the water to the substance in the bag.) 

    How it Smells
    How it Looks
    How it Feels
    Before Adding Water
    No smell
    Fluffy like flour, or snow
    After Adding Water
    No smell
    Like glue, or tooth paste
    Hard and soft like a snowball
  • Claims/Evidence: If we add water to our chemical it will become like dough. (It became a solid and then a liquid.) 

  • Conclusion: Today we discovered that chemicals can change. Based on what we did, water changed our chemical.

  • Reflections: What new thoughts or questions do you have? 

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